

Born in Tehran in 1972,
Graduated in Painting at Azad University in 1996. In 2002 she attained her MA in Art- based research. Following this she held a course in Figurative Arts at Azad University. In Tehran collaborated with Haft Samar Gallery and Bamdad Gallery, and took part in the 5th Biennale of Painting in Tehran. Continued her studies in Europe - History of Art at Trieste University, graduating in 2009.
During her career in Italy she participated in several collective and solo exhibitions.She exhibited in 2011 at the Venice Biennale, at Storehouse 26 Trieste, and she won the 55th Marina di Ravenna prize, and as a result showed her works at the Museum of Ravenna MAR in 2012. Participated in International Biennale of Contemporary Art and Design on environment sustainability at Ex Macello of Padua in 2013.
In 2013 and 2014 she won "Artist in Residence" positions in Venice and the Netherlands, where she subsequently exhibited her work at the Hommes Gallery, Rotterdam. She worked with Torbandena Gallery in Trieste.

Then she had two years experience in Vienna( 2017.2019) and works with Wolfrum Gallery and Noart gallery.
Now she lives in Trieste.



My main means of expression are painting, drawing and watercolor. The way I work has its own value: it is spontaneous, quick and immediate. The subject matter of my work is the melancholic and intimate moments of life. I try to generate the deepest emotions connected to the impulse of life (Eros) and the impulse of death (Thanatos). A central element of my works is the human body and its relationship with nature, constantly predestinated to loss.



2024, Solo exhibition "Tracce di vita" palazzo Costanzi sala Veruda, Trieste  

2024, My family and other animals, DoubleRoom, Trieste   

2024, 100UniTS, Castello di San Giusto Trieste, collezione privata dell'università di Trieste


2023, Stills of peace, Mueso archeologico di Atri, Pescara, Italy 

2023, Aus dem Koffer, Centrum gallery, Graz, Austria 

2021, Spannungsverhältnisse im Dialog, NöART, Zeitbrucke- Museum Gars am Kamp

2021, Spannungsverhältnisse im Dialog, NöART, Laa an der Thaya, Austria

2021, Spannungsverhältnisse Dialog, NöART, der Kunst, Baden, Austria  

2019, Cover up, Das Chegini Gallery, Vienna, Austria

2019, I baffi della Gioconda. Museum of modern Art Ugo Carà Muggia, Italy

2019, Spazio temporale, Studio Mima, Visogliano, Duino Trieste, Italy

2018, Sua Cinque, Sala Veruda, Trieste, Italy
2018, Wolfrum Gallery, Vienna, Austria 


2017, Kras Gallery, Vienna, Austria
2017, Biennale Donna, 26th Pavilion, Trieste, Italy
2017, Flowers, Torbandena Gallery, Trieste Italy


2016, Portraits, Torbandena projects, Torbandena Gallery, Trieste Italy
2016, C&F, Altalena space, Milano
2016, Art fair Bologna with Torbandena Gallery


2015, Torbandena Projects Portopiccolo, Torbandena Gallery, Curated by Alessandro Rosada, Trieste, Italy
2015, Art Fair Bologna with Torbandena Gallery


2014, Involuntary Memory, Trart Gallery, Trieste, Italy
2014, Without exclusion of bodies(solo exhibition) showroom of Cantina sul Mare, curated by Torbandena gallery, Trieste
2014, Sense of Community, Spiazzi gallery, Curated by Silvia Petronici, Venice, Italy 2014,War, LiberArti, Curated by Maria Sànchez Puyade, Trieste Italy


2013, Body sound panel, Installation, by Juliet, Triest, Italy
2013, Migration (personal exhibition) Miela Theater, Triest, Italy
2013, è-voluta- State Library, Trieste, Italy
2013, Finalist of Paolo Parati Prize XV edition, Milano, Italy
2013, RicCAA, International biennial of Contemporary Art and Design around environmental sustainability , Ex Macello, Padua, Italy

2012, Linea d’acqua, Comunità degli italiani, Capodistria
2012, Piccolo Formato, Ariele gallery, Torino, Italy
2012, Espansione, State library, Trieste, Italy
2012, Espansione, Rijeka, Fiume, Croazia
2012, Espansione, Montecuccoli's castle,, Croazia
2012, Finalist of ‘’Safty at work’’ prize II 2012, Italy
2012, Più o meno positivo, Costanzi Palace, Trieste, Italy
2012, Uno+Uno, By Ass. Juliet, LITIS, Trieste, Italy


2012, Safty At Work, Ducal Palace, Pesaro, Italy
2012, Più o meno positivo, Costanzi Palace, Triest, Italy
2012, Uno+uno, ITIS, by Juliet, Triest, Italy


2011, Contaminazioni neoespressioniste, Torino, Ariele gallery, Italy
2011, Biennale Venezia 2011 , Padiglion of Italy FVG, Trieste Magazzino 26, Italy
2011, Marina di Ravenna
’s prize ( Winner of Prize), Ravenna, Italy
2011, la 3^ Rassegna artistica di pittura, fotografia e scultura In
Arte... Ursus. E- Venti sul mare, Trieste, Italy
2011, Mar museum (personal exhibition)
Museo d’Arte della città di Ravenna, Italy


2010, in-Differenze, Galleria Vista Arte e Comunicazione, Roma, Italy
2010, Fucking Kunst, Marzia Frozen, Berlino, Germany
2010, Sacralità e tolleranza, Roma, Vista Arte e Comunicazione gallery, Italy


2009, Marzia Frozen, New Edge Of Contemporary Painting, Imperia, Italy


2007, Tra i vetri, villa Revoltella Trieste, Italy



1995, Haft samar gallery, Tehran
1996, Haft samar gallery, Tehran
1996, Barg gallery, Tehran
1997, Bamdad gallery, Tehran
5° international painting Biennal of Tehran 1999, Barg Gallery, Tehran

2000, Barg Gallery, Tehran
2001, Barg Gallery, Tehran
4° Manifestation of feeling, Tehran